In partnership with

Holy Spirit Catholic Primary Academy, Bath Road, Heckmondwike, WF16 9EA

01924 400820

Holy Spirit Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Ofsted Report

Below is  a quote from our most recent OFSTED report:

What is it like to attend this school?
‘Learning is contagious at this school.’ This pupil’s view reflects that of many others. This is because leaders have built a new curriculum which is rewarding and purposeful. Pupils gain the knowledge and skills that they need for the next stage of their education.

Leaders have made sure that the school is a caring and safe place for pupils to learn. Pupils benefit from the positive relationships that they have with staff and other pupils. Adults have high expectations for pupils’ learning and behaviour. Pupils respond well to these. When children do occasionally fall out, they quickly ‘make peace’ with each other. Pupils are confident that if they reported any concerns, including about bullying, these would be dealt with properly by staff.

Pupils enjoy the many opportunities that are available to broaden their horizons. Many pupils are proud of having taken part in a sporting competition. Staff make leading a healthy lifestyle and taking part in high-quality sport, such as the physical education fundamentals programme, a key feature of daily life.

Leaders, including governors, have ensured that this is a school that is at the heart of the community. Pupils are active citizens. They raise funds for local and international charities. They know that the small actions they take make a big difference to others.'


Ofsted Report 2022 


Ofsted an Parent View