In partnership with

Holy Spirit Catholic Primary Academy, Bath Road, Heckmondwike, WF16 9EA

01924 400820

Holy Spirit Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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S48 Inspection Report 2022

Summary of key findings, What the school does well: 

  • This is an Outstanding Catholic Primary School
  • Pupils have a full understanding of the mission of the school, they embody the Christian virtues that underpin that mission and so contribute significantly to the application of the school’s mission to ‘build God’s kingdom of love, peace and justice’ in their daily lives.
  • The behaviour of almost all pupils is exemplary. Pupils are very happy at school.
  • Pupils participate in the evaluation of the Catholic Life of the school through questionnaires. However, pupils do not take a lead in planning improvements to the Catholic Life of the school.
  • Pupils feel a real connection to the parish. Pupils spoke with affection about the parish priest who ‘talks to us at Mass’ and is a regular and popular visitor to the school. They commented that they like being ‘close to the parish’ and enjoy the Mass in the parish that they attend every Thursday.
  • The school’s mission statement is a clear and inspiring expression of the Church’s mission in education. It is central to the faith and life of the school. All staff are fully committed to the implementation of the mission across the whole life of the school.
  • The school is a strong, joyful community where high-quality relationships of mutual trust and support abound.
  • Behaviour in RE is excellent and pupils enjoy their lessons, particularly when related to their own lives.
  • Pupils said that they’d like ‘more discussions’, ‘more role-play’ and ‘more art’ in RE, because there is ‘a lot of writing to do’. In both key stages, pupils are offered opportunities for extended writing that does aid their progress, but work scrutiny reveals a lack of consistency in the balance of activities teachers provide.
  • Teachers communicate high expectations to their pupils who respond positively. They plan sequential lessons to ensure the curriculum is covered. They are an experienced team with high levels of confidence because their subject knowledge is very good.
  • The RE curriculum is very teacher directed so lessons can lack pupil-centred activities and some lessons lack pace with the pupils listening to the teacher’s input for too long.
  • The RE leader, who is the deputy headteacher, is an inspirational leader of the subject.
  • Acts of prayer and liturgy engage all pupils, who participate with genuine enthusiasm. Pupils’ engagement is reflected in their excellent singing, their responses, their playing of musical instruments and the depth of reverent participation.
  • Acts of prayer and liturgy are central to the life of the school on a day-to-day basis. There is a commitment to engaging, purposeful and regular liturgical celebrations which give a spiritual character to the life of the school.
  • During the inspection, pupils led acts of worship alongside adults. Whilst acknowledging the disruption caused by the prolonged pandemic, there is little evidence of a comprehensive strategy for building up pupil leadership skills in class acts of worship as pupils progress through the school.
  • Leaders have expert knowledge in how to lead and plan quality Collective Worship, they model outstanding practice.

S48 Report 2022 


Ofsted an Parent View